
Free Printable Worksheets on Contractions for Grade 3

Free Printable Worksheets on Contractions for Grade 3

3 janvier 2022

As part of a third-grader`s language curriculum, mastering contractions is essential. Contractions are words formed by combining two words and omitting one or more letters. For example, « I am » becomes « I`m, » « he will » becomes « he`ll, » and « you would » becomes « you`d. » Learning contractions is vital because using them makes writing and speaking more concise and natural.

To help your child master this crucial language skill, free printable worksheets on contractions for grade 3 are available online. These worksheets are designed to offer engaging ways to teach and reinforce contractions, making learning fun for your child.

Here are some of the best free printable worksheets on contractions for grade 3:

1. VocabularySpellingCity

VocabularySpellingCity offers an array of free contractions worksheets that help your child practice identifying and using contractions. The worksheets cover topics such as forming contractions, matching contractions, writing sentences with contractions, and so on.

2. has a massive collection of free printable worksheets on contractions for grade 3 that you can download and print. The worksheets come in different formats such as fill-in-the-blanks, matching contractions, writing contractions, and much more.

3. offers a broad range of free contractions worksheets that are perfect for grade 3 students. The worksheets cover different aspects of using contractions, from identifying contractions in sentences to composing sentences with the contractions.

4. Teachers Pay Teachers

Teachers Pay Teachers is an excellent platform for teachers and homeschooling parents to access free and paid resources. On the site, you can find a variety of free printable worksheets on contractions for grade 3. These worksheets cover different aspects of contractions, including forming, using, and identifying them in sentences.


In conclusion, mastering contractions is essential to your child`s language development. Using free printable worksheets on contractions for grade 3 can help your child become a confident writer and speaker. These worksheets provide fun and interactive ways to learn and reinforce language skills, making learning more engaging and enjoyable. With the resources mentioned above, you can help your child master contractions and enhance their communication skills.

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